The Wolverine


After singing up a storm in Les Misérables, Hugh Jackman is back with his trusted claws as his alter ego, Wolverine, makes a return to the big screen for another solo outing.

Last seen in X-Men OriginsThe Wolverine sees Jackman take on the forces of evil in Japan, as an old acquaintance wants something that Logan appears desperate to relinquish.

Since X2, Professor X and his mutants have failed to truly captivate audiences in the same way as other comic-book capers like the Batman trilogy and The Avengers (and their solo flights). Jackman has always put in solid work, but bad casting and lacklustre scripts have marred the franchise.

The Wolverine, sadly, fails to show us anything remarkably new – Logan is ever tormented, struggling to accept his destiny and therefore still pulling those mean faces – but Jackman handles everything he’s thrown with his usual style. The action has also been taken to Japan this time around, where we’re treated to some well-choreographed, ninja fight sequences, as well as a few fresh faces who prove their worth next to the ripped mutant. There are a few cheesy moments, as well as a couple of lines that drop like lead balloons, but there’s enough here to entertain for a couple of hours.

The Wolverine doesn’t quite level the playing field: hammer still trumps claws, as does iron, gamma radiation and the city of justice, but it does prove there’s still some life left in the old weasel yet – just about.


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